Eid, J. (2016). Chapter: Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction. In Campbell-Walsh Urology (11th ed.). Elsevier.
Cohen, S.D., Eid, J.F. “Hemostatic Matrix During Corporotomy Closure” Journal of Sexual Medicine 04/2014; 11(4).
Osterberg, E.C., Eid, J.F. “Pharmacologically induced erect penile length and stretched penile length are both good predictors of post-inflatable prosthesis penile length” International Journal of Impotence Research 01/2014;
Eid, J.F. “The cosmetic circumcision” Journal of Sexual Medicine 09/2013; 10(9):2129-32.
Henry, G.D., Jennermann, C., Eid, J.F. “Evaluation of Satisfaction and Axial Rigidity with Titan XL Cylinders” Advances in Urology 09/2012; 2012
Eid, J.F., Salem, E.A. “Coated implants and “No Touch” surgical technique decreases risk of infection in inflatable penile prosthesis implantation to 0.46%”. Urology 04/2012; 79(6):1310-5.
Eid, J.F. “Coated implants and “No Touch” surgical technique decreases risk of infection in inflatable penile prosthesis implantation to 0.46% article” Journal of Urology; 2011
Eid, J.F. “No-touch technique” Journal of Sexual Medicine 01/2011; 8(1):5-8.
Siegrist, T.C., Eid, J.F. “The “No-Touch” Technique: A novel technique for reducing post-operative infections in patients receiving multicomponent inflatable penile prosthesis” The Journal of Urology 04/2008; 179(4):404-404.
Eid, J.F., Althof, S.E., Ahuja, S. “Through the eyes of women: the partners’ perspective on tadalafil” Urology 10/2006; 68(3):631-5.
Eid, J.F. “Inflatable penile prosthesis: Keys to success” Contemporary Urology; Vol. 15, 6, June 2003
Eid, J.F., “Evaluation of the patient who complains of erectile dysfunction.” Cliniguide® to Erectile Dysfunction. March 2003.
Eid J.F, Barada JH. “Treatment of erectile dysfunction in the 21st century.” Cliniguide to Erectile Dysfunction. New York, NY: Lawrence DellaCorte Publications, Inc; 2002.
Eid, J.F., Barada, J.H.: “Treatment of erectile dysfunction in the 21st century.” Cliniguide® to Erectile Dysfunction. June 2002.
Eid, J.F., Sadovsky, R.: “Primary care: a perfect setting for discussing sexual health.” Cliniguide® to Erectile Dysfunction. September 2001.
Eid J.F, Sadovsky R. “Primary care: A perfect setting for discussing sexual health.” Cliniguide to Erectile Dysfunction. New York, NY: Lawrence DellaCorte Publications, Inc; 2001.
Eid, J.F., Wyllie, M. “First international conference on the management of erectile dysfunction. Overview consensus statement”International Journal of Impotence Research 11/2000; 12 Suppl 4:S2-5.
Eid, J.F, “Sildenafil citrate: current clinical experience.” International Journal of Impotence Research, New York, NY: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2000.
Tash, J., Eid, J.F.: “Urethrocutaneous Fistula due to a Retained Ring of Condom.” Accepted for Publication in Urology, May 2000.
Chen, A., Scherr, D., Eid, J.F.: “Renal Transplantation After in Vivo Excision of an Angiomyolipoma From a Living Unrelated Kidney Donor.” The Journal of Urology. Vol. 163, 1859, June 2000.
Greco, C. Zelefsky, M.: Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer. Eid, J.F. co-authored Chapter 35, “Sexual Function after Radiotherapy.” Harwood Academic Publishers, 2000.
Dutta, T.C., Eid, J.F.: “Vacuum Constriction Devices for Erectile Dysfunction: A Long-term, Prospective Study of Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Erectile Dysfunction.” Urology. Volume 54, Issue 5, pp. 891-893, November 1991.
Goldstein, I., Lue, T., Padma-Nathan, H., Rosen R., Steers, W., Winker, P., Eid, J.F. For the Sildenafil Study Group: “Oral Sildenafil in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.” New England Journal of Medicine. 338(20): 1397-1404.
Chung, P.H., Palermo, G., Schlegel, P.N., Veeck, L.L, Eid, J.F. Rosenwaks, Z.: “The Use of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection with Electroejaculates from Anejaculatory.” Human Reproduction. Volume 13, Number 7, 1874-1858. 1998.
Su,L., Sutaria, P., Eid, J.F. : “Repair of Penile Rupture Through a High-Scrotal Mid-Line Raphe Incision.” Urology, Volume 52, 717-719, 1998.
Zelefsky, M., Eid, J.F.: “Elucidating the Etiology of Erectile Dysfunction after Definitive Therapy for Prostatic Cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, Volume 40, 129-133, 1998.
Eid, J.F., Vaughan, E.D.: “Anatomic Guidelines and Considerations in Approaches to Renal Surgery.” Atlas of the Urological Clinics of North America, Volume 6, Number 1, April 1998.
Gupta, R., Kirschen, J., Barrow, R., Eid, J.F. “Predictors of Success and Risk Factors for Attrition in the Use of Intracavernosal Injection Therapy.” The Journal of Urology, Volume 157, 1681-1686, May 1997.
Matthews, G., Gardner, T., Eid, J.F. “In Vitro Fertilization Improves Pregnancy Rates for Sperm Recovered by Rectal Probe Ejaculation.” The Journal of Urology, Volume 155, 2934-2937, June 1996.
Linet, Otto I., Ogrinc, Francis G., et al: “Efficacy and Safety of Intracavernosal Alprostadil in Men with Erectile Dysfunction.” New England Journal of Medicine, April 1996.
Eid, J.F., “Chapter 27, Electroejaculation,” in Goldstein, M., Surgery of Male Infertility, W.B. Saunders Company, 1995.
Eid, J.F., Pearce, C. Making Love Again – Regaining Sexual Potency through the New Injection Treatment, Brunner & Mazel, September 1993.
Eid, J.F.., Rosenberg, P., Rothaus, K., Minninberg, D., Hoffman, L., Vaughan, E.D.: “Use of Tissue Expanders in Final Reconstruction of Infrapubic Midline Scar, Mons Pubis and Vulva After Bladder Exstrophy Repair.” Urology, Volume 41, Number 5, 426-430, May 1993.
Goldstein, M., Eid, J.F.: “Elevation of Intratesticular and Scrotal Skin Surface Temperature in Men with Varicocele.” Journal of Urology. Volume 142. 743-745. September 1989.